
Archief van ‘Geen categorie @en’ Category

10th NPO Chateauroux with son of “Dolce Beauty x Alexia”

Geplaatst op: 23-7-2018
Last Saturday it was the National race from Chateauroux . We had 102 pigeons in the fight and hoped for beautiful early pigeons. Unfortunately, our pigeons missed the pure cup nationally...

4th National Bourges – 16.658 birds with direct son “Harry Junior” !

Geplaatst op: 11-7-2018
Already a few days ago, but on Saturday, July 7, we flew from Bourges. It was a (semi) national release of no less than 16.658 pigeons, brought together by the...

Bert Vandenberghe wint 2e Nationaal Agen Jrl. met rechtstreekse Hooymans !

Geplaatst op: 6-7-2018
“Den Boswachter” van Bert Vandenberghe wint de 2e Nationaal Agen Jaarlingen van Belgie tegen 4.086 duiven, met een rechtstreekse Hooymans. Vorig jaar speelde Hugo Batenburg (Batenburg – vd Merwe) nog...

Grandson “Harry x Esmee” wins 1st NPO Afdeling 11 at Tj. & J. Elzinga

Geplaatst op: 21-6-2018
In 2015 we have done a wonderful breeding together with Tjeerd and Jouke Elzinga from the Friesche Harkema. Their super hen “Esmee” was paired against our topper “Harry”. The children...

Grandchild “New Harry” wins 1st Interprovincial & 8th Interprovincial !

Geplaatst op: 27-4-2018
Grandchild “New Harry” wins 1st Interprovincial & 8th Interprovincial ! In Italy, the racing season is already at the longer distance races. The last 2 weekends, (14th April, 21st April),...

First race from Asse Zellik. Son Harry Junior 2nd against > 2.000 birds

Geplaatst op: 16-4-2018
On Saturday, April 14th, the 2018 racing season officially started for our department. Other departments have already started, year after year it appears difficult for department boards to come up...

German Supercrack from an inbred “Harry”

Geplaatst op: 13-4-2018
Heinz & Siegfried MĂĽller from Germany (Rheine) have topquality at their lofts. Last years, the put themselves in the spotlights due to stunning result. For some years back, they had...

Auction youngbirds at Pipa

Geplaatst op: 8-12-2017
At the moment, we have an auction at, with youngbirds from our best breeders. This  auction ends at 17th of December, 2:30 PM (part 1) and 3:00 PM (part...

Arie Bustraan heeft met “Ultimate Harry” een kweektalent in huis!

Geplaatst op: 20-11-2017
In het vroege voorjaar van 2016 bemachtigde Arie Bustraan Pigeons via Pipa een door ons gekweekte doffer, de NL15-1849717 “Ultimate Harry”. Een prachtige doffer met een super stamkaart waarover hieronder...

Beauty Harry has again super offspring in 2017 !

Geplaatst op: 6-11-2017
Beauty Harry, maybe the best breeding son of “Harry”, has again in 2017 fantastic breeding results.   After his big breakthrough in 2016, the season that many of his children...

Laatste nieuws

Niergnies, 13-06-

Saturday, June 13, we participated for the first...



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5331 LG Kerkdriel

T: +31 (0)612 393 614