Afgelopen zaterdag vlogen we Pont St. Maxence, om 10:00 werden onze 52 duiven gelost op 337km afstand. In totaal stonden er in Afdeling 7 Midden Nederland 6.702 duiven in concours. Sneller...
1 & 2 op Agen ZLU in N.I.C. 2128 – Velddriel Afgelopen vrijdag stond Agen ZLU op het programma, een fondvlucht met ochtendlossing van 914km. Om 6:30 werden de Nederlandse...
Grandchild Ome Sjaak & Hind wins 8th Provincial at heavy race! Gyany S. Antonescu from Romania made a topresult from the heavy race from Smila (679 km), only 1 bird topped the 1000 mpm...
At the beginning of season 2015, Loftmanager Mario said: “If we won a 1st NPO, i jump into the cold swimming pool with all clothes on!”. Last Saturday, he fulfilled...
A great continuation of a good Long distance season till now for us resulted in the 1st NPO Bourges last weekend. It was top hen “Alyda” who let all 4,843 competitors see...
Team Koopman did a great job last weekend at Long Distance race Souppes sur loing (585 km) . They get their birds back like a short distance race! Congratulations! Ze kregen...
1st & 5th against 2.884 birds with children of “Sunny Boy” At May 30th, John Crehan had his first race across the ‘channel’, from France to England. A heavy test...
Last Saturday we had again a surprising experience! From the NPO race of Bourges (563km) we won 10e NPO + Teletekst and from our 40 racers we have 7 birds...
Midfondvlucht Pt.St.Maxence 30 mei 2015 Deze midfondvlucht, tussen de twee dagfondvluchten in, hebben wij gespeeld met alleen onze 32 weduwduivinnen en 1 doffer (die herstellende is van een verwonding). De...
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