Wout Spierings, Tj & J Elzinga, Comb. Mantel and John Crehan have topresults with Hooymans lines

1 September 2017

Over the past two weeks, several top performances have been set by Harry’s descendants and our basic couple Jonge Bliksem x Dirkje.
And this on several lofts that are at the top of the Netherlands or England.

Wout Spierings wins 1-2-3-6 NPO with descendants Harry – Alexia – Laatje 56!
At NPO Fontenay, Wout put down a phenomenal result, the complete stage and the 6th npo were for him!

The 1st and 3rd NPO of Wout are bred from a granddaughter of “Alexia” (sister Harry) and “Future Boy” (brother Harry and Cor de Heijde father of 1st National Bordeaux ZLU !!)
See pedigrees.


The 2nd and 6th NPO of Wout are bred from a granddaughter of “Harry” and “Laatje 56” (sister Harry). See pedigrees:


Read the complete article about Wout at the website of Pipa, : https://www.pipa.be/nl/newsandarticles/reports/wout-spierings-waalwijk-nl-strikes-back-op-grootse-wijze-met-1-2-3-npo


Tjeerd & Jouke Elzinga win 1st Niergnies against 5.079 pigeons with grandchild “Harry”.
The father of their winner comes directly from us and is a son of “Harry” x “Sister Beauty Harry”.
Their 17/809 is a true promising young pigeon because this is the 4th time the 809 takes a price of 1: 100!


Comb. Mantel win 1st Niergnies against 1.079 birds with grandchild “New Herman”.
The mother of their winning pigeon is bred from “New Herman” (brother Harry) paired to a daughter of “Harry”.

See pedigree:


John Crehan takes 2 times the 1st prize in Federation! 

Also in the UK, it goes very well at John Crehan & O’Connors loft with their young birds.

Last weekend and the week before, he takes the 1st in the federation with about 1,000 pigeons, last week even the 1st of more than 2,700 pigeons (Combine).

The combine winner is a “Harry” and “Dirkje” grandchild and the last week’s federation winner comes from a full brother “Harry”.

See the pedigrees below.


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