Although we missed the true head, we were pleased with the outcome last Saturdays’race. Under beautiful weather, the young birds flew from Niergnies (235km). At 11:00 it was possible to unload and the pigeons arrived at a 75-80 km speed. The youngsters came down as missiles and for the first time, we also realized that there was a real “urge” to come in. With 140 ybs we participated, of which 46 ZUU pigeons, who have no chances of winning (early) prizes. (with exceptions).
With a price percentage of 69 to 140 pigeons we are therefore very content. We start with the 102-104-120-121 provincial against 8,605 pigeons and turn 25 pigeons in the best 10% To give an example of the 25 pigeons who flying 1:10 , only 1 is a ZLU pigeon, the remaining 24 pigeons are 100-700km pigeons. With our first 31 pigeons there is only 1 ZLU pigeon!
Our first one was 17-1410057 “Alies” and she wins the 102th of 8,605 pigeons. A sister won the 9th NPO Roye against 8,755 pigeons at Christians loft. The father of the 057 comes from “Harry x Stareye” and is thus a half brother “New Harry”. The mother of 057 comes from “Blue Brave” a top flyer from Christian.
Our second young , 17-1410155 comes from “New Harry” linked to “Sister Vici” (Victor Massart, Belgium)
Our third young =, 17-1410422, is from “The 400” (1st Nat. Asduif NPO Middle Distance at Harrie Kennes) linked to a direct daughter of “Harry”.
The weekend is Melun, the npo flight of 400 kilometers. We hope to have the ybs in top form and put down a nice result. If we succeed, we will see…
Niergnies, 13-06- Saturday, June 13, we participated for the first...