Last weekend 8 and 9 July, real series results were made on various lofts. Many of the head pigeons appeared to be breed from Hooyman’s lines. That’s how both Crehan & O’Connor, Team GPS and Colijn & Fox make super results.
John Crehan & O ‘Connor (UK) wins 1-2-3-4 against 2.121 birds 1st price with full brother “Baron Harry” !!
John ends his very successfull old birds season with an amazing result at Tewkesbury. He won with 4 original Jan Hooymans birds against 2.121 birds: 1-2-3-4 !! The first one of John is a full brother to “Baron Harry”, who won at our loft 1st NPO Bourges in the same weekend!! Earlier this season, the winner won already a 2nd Tewkesbury against more than 1.000 birds!
The 2nd birds of John was also a yearling cock, from son “Dolce Beauty” paired to full sister “Harry”. The 3rd birds was a very good 2 year old cock, from “Brother Harry” with “Daughter Cassius” (Koopman). The 4th bird of John was his amazing cock “The Prodigy”, from “493 Sister Harry” with a son of “800 x Last One”. “The Prodigy” did win 3 times 1st prize against average 2.500 birds! The nestmate of “The Prodigy” is “Olympic Jan” (Olympiad bird Yearlings UK)
The Prodigy, now he wins 4th against 2.121 birds
Team GPS excellates at Asse Zellik
Team GPS has their youngsters in very good shape…Due to the result of last weekend we definitely can say that…In the federation Bossche Concours Combination (BCC) were basketed 1.818 pigeons. Against this big number of competitors, Team GPS won: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-20-21-22 and no less than 33 times in Top100 !
The 1st , 2nd and 4th pricewinners are close related to our best pigeons, “Harry”, “Beauty Harry” and “New Harry”
The 1st pricewinner is bred from an Halfbrother New Harry”, a direct son of “Beauty Harry”.
The 2nd pricewinner against 1.818 birds is bred from a direct son of Harry:
The 4th pricewinner against 1.818 birds is bred from a halfsister “New Harry”, direct daughter “Beauty Harry”. This hen was bought by Team GPS at the Golden Ten 2016 auction from Jan & Rik Hermans.
Peter Colijn – Colijn & Fox makes a fantastic result at Asse Zellik
In Afdeling 2 Brabant 2000, Rayon de Baronie, 3.987 young birds were basketed for their first youngbirds race from Asse Zellik. Peter Colijn from Colijn & Fox has his young birds very healthy, due to his result: 2-3-5-6-7-8-9-10-14- and 20 birds in the top100 against almost 4.000 birds !
In Peters’ first birds, we see a lot of Hooymans blood: 3. against 3.987 b. (From daughter Beauty Boy) 5. against 3.987 b. (from grandson Harry) 6. against 3.987 b. (From son Harry) 8. against 3.987 b. (From daughter Harry) 10. against 3.987 b. (From daughter Harry)
Niergnies, 13-06- Saturday, June 13, we participated for the first...