HOOYMANS BIRDS WINNING 3 DIFFERENT 1st PRIZES AT 1 DAY !! In 3 different provinces, 1st prizes are achieved by Original Jan Hooymans pigeons, all at the same 18th April. It shows that our birds feel themselves topfit and perform the best with headwind…
* Firstly we congratulate our close friend and superchampion Cor de Heijde from Made. Cor won with an Original Hooymans bird the 1st prize Quievrain in federation CC Drimmelen against 749 pigeons. Cor shows with this fact that all long distance fanciers must be very motivated to win from him in the coming summer months. The winning bird is NL 13-1395260 from “Brother Harry” with “granddaughter Harry”. In this bird we see again the 11/644 “Daughter Harry” (she is also grandmother to 5th Nat. Acebird Youngbirds WHZB 2014 at Gebr. Scheele. (From Harry x Jantine).
Here the pedigree:
* Our next congratulations go to our friend Peter Netten from s-Hertogenbosch (the player of 1st NPO winner Harriette). Peter won with a direct Hooymans bird the 1st prize in the club from Chimay against 230 pigeons! Bred from “Brother Cavendish” paired to a daughter “Hind” (2x teletext and daughter of James Bond).
Below the pedigree of the winning pigeon 12-1784249:
* In England it was again a resounding success for John Crehan & O’Connor! Again was flown from Worcester. With only 1 second difference fell to John the fastest two birds, two direct Hooymans pigeons! Against 196 pigeons meant this 1 & 2 … but in all probability plays John in the ‘Federation’ against around 2.000 birds the first and second … the result was at this time (Friday, April 24), however, not yet in !! (what are we then indulges in the Netherlands, right at the same evening the results are online!) … it still is exciting at the moment…., it will be continued and we let you know….
Niergnies, 13-06- Saturday, June 13, we participated for the first...