Heinz & Siegfried Müller from Germany (Rheine) have topquality at their lofts. Last years, the put themselves in the spotlights due to stunning result. For some years back, they had their “New Euro” Olympiad bird for Germany and moved to the Eijerkamp Family.
Last year, we get in contact with Siegfried Müller, when he visited us to handle our breeders.
Siegfried Müller (middle) at visit at Hooymans
But in 2017, a new young talent showed up, the bird DV07462-17-52.
This young canon won no less than 4 times 1st price, included twice with a big lead ! Fatherside of this bird is bred from “New Euro” lines. The mother of the racer, Siegfried bought at an auction from the late Bernd Kröger (D) (SG Kröger – Schumacher).
Bernd Kröger was wellknown because of his nice inbred birds which he sold. He bought direct children of “Harry” and would have them bred from “Brother x Sister” pairings. So, Bernd was the only one in the world owner of a direct son to “Harry x Alexia”. Also, Bernd has a direct daughter of “Harry” x “Laatje 56” (another super sister to Harry). Those 2 very inbred birds, Bernd putted together. So all grandparents (Harry – Alexia – Laatje 56) are topracers and full brothers/sisters. The incredible power of our stock pair ‘Jonge Bliksem x Dirkje’ ensured that this very heavy degree of inbreeding still produces excellent quality pigeons.
Direct from this heavy inbred pairing, Siegfried Müller bought himselves a daughter (So gr.daughter Harry – Alexia – Laatje 56) and bred his new racing talent ! Congratulations Heinz & Siegfried!
Take a look to the pedigree of the super youngster.
Niergnies, 13-06- Saturday, June 13, we participated for the first...