A great continuation of a good Long distance season till now for us resulted in the 1st NPO Bourges last weekend.
It was top hen “Alyda” who let all 4,843 competitors see her tail !
At 7:00 our pigeons were released in Bourges, 563 kilometers. Thirty pieces were there from Hooymans team.
In particular, the hens showed all weeks their good form. Also the wind came from the northwest corner and with this headwind, our birds are on their best!
We expect the pigeons at a speed of over 1200 meters per minute, so we had to clock before 15:00 clock. It was overcast so we were hoping for a normal flight.
At 14:41 suddenly there was a hen scratch on the cover, our 3rd-drawn “Alyda”. That simply could not be a wrong time.
It took 9 minutes for our second pigeon arrived. Shortly thereafter began the pigeons rapidly fall and within an hour there were 26 out of 30 at home.
Until late at night kept it exciting or earlier times were noted, but in the end no one appeared to come close to 1221 meters per minute of our “Alyda”. She wins with 7 meters per minute ahead.a
About the result as a whole we were very pleased. With 30 pigeons we take part in the NPO competition and we won no less than 23 prizes, representing 77% price! See below:
Our first bird, “Alyda”.
4 weeks ahead, she won 8th NPO Blois + Teletekst and now 1st NPO Bourges.
Her mother is superhen “Alexia” winning herself 1st NPO Chateauroux against 5.620 birds in 2012.
Alexia is a full sister to “Harry” and directly from the stock pair Jonge Bliksem x Dirkje.
Father to “Alyda”is “Dolce Beauty”, bred from “Mr.Blue x Dolce Vita”.
Our second bird is the crazy hen “Cavi Lady”.
Earlier this season she won 6 prizecards, including 49th NPO Bourges against 5.177 birds, 2 weeks ago.
Her father is “Cavendish” the 1st National Acebird Short Distance NPO !
Her mother is “Dollar Lady”, full sister to Harry and herself mother to 100.000 dollar winner in South Afrika (SAMDPR race) !
Third bird is the strong lady “Jantine”, directly from “James Bond” (brother Harry).
She won her 10th prizecard in this season and now with a 92. NPO Bourges. At her record we see:
9e NPO Bourges 7.356 d.
16e NPO Chateauroux 4.604 d.
25e Prov. Nijvel 8.891 d.
32e NPO Bourges 5.177 d.
65e NPO Blois 6.613 d.
92e NPO Bourges 4.843 d.
95e NPO Nanteuil 5.438 d.
99e NPO Sens 12.903 d.
1e Nijvel 433 d.
2e Sens 399 d.
13e St. Quentin 2.259 d.
43e Wolvertem 3.260 d.
21e Salbris 1.494 d.
4e Pt St Maxence 228 d.
etc! Total she won in her carreer 53 prizecards till now!!