Last Saturday, the 28th of April, our pigeons flew Lessines (160km) again, just like the week before. There was chosen for this station because of the bad weather forecast for both Saturday and Sunday. In the end it turned out to be okay on Saturday and at 9:00 the pigeons were released with a strong southwester in the back
Starting from 100 kilometers per hour, the pigeons should be there shortly after 10:30.
This proved to be quite right when something about half a cock landed on the loft. After some dawdling he entered at 10:33. Three minutes later, 5 other pigeons arrived that were clocked at 10:37 and after that it was again a few minutes before the next pigeons arrived. In other words, a strange and slow course. Eventually it took almost an hour (!) Until two-thirds of our 152 pigeons were back. In the course of the afternoon and evening, 99% has finally returned home, so the losses are not too bad.
In our club there were 1,012 pigeons in competition. The fastest pigeon makes 1824 mpm and the last prize pigeon 1360mpm. This says enough about the course of the flight: not good.
In Region C1 against 2,525 pigeons we start with place 46 and we win 36 prizes. Not a result to be framed of course but the pigeons looked fit when coming home. The real urge was not there yet, certainly not with the hens. This significantly reduces the price percentage.
Our first pigeon was a yearling cock, the 828/17. Last week he was our 2nd pigeon. Father comes from Christian vd Wetering (from Father Blue Brave x New Stareye). Mother is a direct daughter of “Harry” coupled with “Last One” (Jan and Rik Hermans).
As 2nd we clocked the “Victor Harry” (2nd NPO I-prov Issoudun Northern Union of 6,604 pigeons) Direct son of “Harry” coupled with a daughter of “Goede Zwarte” (Victor Massart)
Third, we turn the yearling cock 17/513. His father comes from “Harry x Esmee” (bred together with Elzinga). His mother comes from “Geeloger x Alexia” (bred together with Koen Minderhoud) Coming weekend we will probably fly Niergnies (230km). The weather forecast looks good so we hope to get it right.
With the youngsters it is also getting better. The early youngsters (200) start training better and better. However, they are still for a large part on breeding food (since this year FloJo from Paloma, what the growers also get and what we like). Next month we will largely transfer to Matador Vlieg Jong. We wish everyone a nice week and good luck at the weekend.
11 februari De eerste maand van het pas begonnen jaar...