Previously we mentioned at this website the super breedinghen from “Harry x Alexia x Laatje” line of Heinz & Siegfried Mueller (Germany). You can read that article through this link:
In the summer of 2018, Siegfried travelled to Kerkdriel to show us his toplady, the granddaughter of “Harry – Alexia – Laatje 56” and….wow ! What a super bird…from this total inbred pairing we never saw a more beautiful hen ! The misters Mueller have pure gold in hands with that hen!
Recently we got an email from Siegfried that his super breeding hen again bred a super winner. A young bird DV07462-18-233 won 1st against 1.354 birds and 1st against 3.085 birds! (take a look at the pedigree, both parents are totally inbred)
11 februari De eerste maand van het pas begonnen jaar...