Offspring “Harry x Alexia” perform well again ! (1)

2 oktober 2018

The offspring of the pairing “Harry x Alexia” did a lot of great performances at many lofts.
So did we won the 1st NPO Bourges in 2017 with “Baron Harry”, who is a grandchild to “Harry x Alexia”.

At 8th September 2018, the NL18-5002128 (bred by Hooymans, raced by Christian van de Wetering) did an unbelievable thing: she won the 1st price of the total province against 12.644 pigeons, by living on the shortest distance with a strong tailwind. Normally, with tailwind, the topprizes are won by birds at the longest distances, but 128 killed this rule and won 1st.

The father of “128” is “Jonge Dion”, a super breedingcock from Christian van de Wetering.
It is an pure Leo Heremans bird, via Ingolf Haase.
“Jonge Dion” also is the father of the famous “Blue Brave”.

The mother of “128” is a direct daughter of “Harry x Alexia”.

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