Grandchild Ome Sjaak & Hind wins 8th Provincial at heavy race!
Gyany S. Antonescu from Romania made a topresult from the heavy race from Smila (679 km), only 1 bird topped the 1000 mpm ! Against 6.200 birds, Gyany won: 1-8-28th prize. Very good because his first 2 birds are yearlings!!!
The 8th prizewinner against 6.200 birds is bred from an Original Jan Hooymans hen, bred from “Ome Sjaak” (brother Harry) x “Hind” (daughter James Bond). Both Ome Sjaak and Hind won top10 NPO ! (Hind even won 2 times top10 !)
Congrats for Gyany and here the pedigree:
11 februari De eerste maand van het pas begonnen jaar...