“Four Legends” bred 2 Federation victories for John Crehan !

11 mei 2018

The season 2018 is only 3 weeks old in UK and John Crehan has won already 2 Federation races! John Crehan ( a.k.a. Team Hooymans UK) presented himself already as a real super champion!
Federation 21-04-2018: Race Tewkesbury against 1.035 birds: 3-4-6-8– (25 birds sended, only the first 4 birds from each fancier will be listed due to federation rules)

Federation 05-05-2018: Race Hullavington against 1.066 birds: 1-2-4-5-6-5-11-22   (40 birds sended, 8 notions on the list because John sended his birds into 2 clubs, so 4 listed birds from each club).

It was a very fast race with nice wheather circumstances, again proof that the Hooymans birds can compete (and beat)  ‘sprint pigeons’ at fast & short races.

The “Four Legends”, named as “Harry” – “James Bond” – “Cees” – “Alexia”, (maybe the best 4 children of our stock pair) are all grandparents to the 2 federation winners against 1.066 and 1.022 birds!

The winner of 1st Tewkesbury against 1.943 birds is a yearling cock NL17-1410709.
He is a full brother to our first bird in Zimbabwe Victoria Falls One Loft Race (21st Finale).

The father is a son of “James Bond” and the mother is a daughter “Harry”.
We will find also “Olympic Schannulleke” (Willem de Bruijn) and “Aphrodite” (Arie Dijkstra) in the pedigree.

The winner of last weekend, 1st Hullavington against 1.066 birds (probably 1st combine against more than 4.000 birds) is a chequer hen, NL16-1663326. She did race very nice prizecards last year.

Her father we bought at the total auction of the late Victor Massart (B) (breeder of superpigeon VICI).
Her mother is a direct daughter to “Cees” x “Alexia”

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