Mother to NL14-1219811 “New Harry”
Mother to NL16-1663140 “Harry Junior”
Mother to NL15-1839408 “Dreameye Harry”
Mother to NL15-4012947 “Sister New Harry 947” (12 x 1:100)
Mother to NL15-4012921 “Max” (1e Nat. Acepigeon YB Pipa Rankings)
Mother to NL15-1839407 “Star Harry”
Mother to NL15-1850808 “Star Brave” (mother 1st National 14.422 birds)
Mother to NL15-1850809 “Brave Star” (father to 5th Nat. Acebird YBs WHZB 2018)
11 februari De eerste maand van het pas begonnen jaar...