“Double Winner Harry”, 1st Final 530km in China

30 juni 2020

Hooymans line win in China!!

Mr Zheng Jian Wei wins today 27th of June the final of Fujing Xia Pue, a very big race in China. The final was from a race of 530 km.

The winner, “122/20” wins also the 300km challenge, so he can be called a “Double Winner Harry”

The loft start with about 6.000 pigeons.
Only 388 are basketed for the Final after a very hard period of races and trainings.

The winner is bred from 2 original Hooymans birds, see pedigree.

Father: halfbrother Brave Harry, 1st National
Chateaudun and son to “Blue Brave x Daughter Harry”

Mother: sister Afgekeurde, 7th Final SAMDPR Million Dollar Race (from Brother x daughter Harry)

“Double Winner Harry”, 1st Final (530km) and First 300km Race

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11 februari

De eerste maand van het pas begonnen jaar...



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