Last weekend, 1st of June, Team Hooymans UK made another great performance.
They basketted just 2 birds for the National race from Messac (627 km, also across the sea / chanel from France to England) and one of them, the NL17-1410562 “Cease Fire” won 2nd in the Section and 10th National against 4.084 birds!
Something remarkable: 8 from the 9 birds that beat Team Hooymans UK, are flying almost 300km less ! So “Cease Fire” showed massive power by performing this super result at one of the longest distances! It was not his first topresult, because he won last year 1st from Carentan (467km, across the chanel) against almost 5.000 pigeons!
11 februari De eerste maand van het pas begonnen jaar...